Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Bridge Modeling Glitch

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  • #5314

    I am modeling a bridge, and the model looks good except at the profile view of the internal cross section of the bridge. The top of the water surface elevation looks normal the first internal cross section of the bridge, but the bottom of the water surface rises above the bottom of the ground surface. At the next internal cross section of the bridge, the bottom of the water surface elevation is back at ground surface.

    Has anyone seen this before? I feel that I have the model set up correctly (I have another similar bridge model for the same project that does not have any issues). I can attach a picture if need be.



    Two possibilities I have run across. One a change was made to the model lowering the lowest point at the cross section and it hasn’t been rerun. Two, obstructions also give a jump in the filled in water. If you have an obstruction that is overtopped it will show like that.



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