I am trying to convert an unsteady model to a steady model for permit purposes. The model has a junction where a portion of the flow is diverted, and then ~300′ downstream of the 1st junction there is a 2nd junction where more flow gets diverted. We are trying to use approved FIS hydrology (HEC-1), but revising the rating curves for the diversions. The HEC-1 output flows are then input into the HEC-RAS steady flow profiles, the model is run, and the W.S. Elev and E.G. Elev are compared in the junction output table. The HEC-1 rating curves are adjusted again based on whether more or less flow needs to be diverted at each junction, and the iterative process continues. I have not been able to balance the flows after almost 30 iterations, so I am hoping someone has successfully done this before. I have tried using flow optimization, but that was unsuccessful. Do you have any suggestions on how to balance flows when you have 2 junctions with diversions close together?