Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help analysing a part of the reach

  • This topic has 2 replies, 282 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I have around 6 reaches in my model but I’d like to run them individually first by assigning boundary conditions to one reach at a time. is it possible in Hec-RAs 5.01/5.03? Id so, could anyone walk me through it? Thanks in advance.


    The only type of boundary condition you can apply to a cross section in the middle of a river element is a rating curve – stage/discharge. This would let you force a defined water surface elevation at any cross section.

    If you want to apply a normal depth boundary condition with a slope, you would have to model each reach as a separate river. You could then join the rivers by selecting Edit>Move Points/objects and moving the vertices to overlap where you want to create a junction between rivers.
    Hope this helps!


    Thanks a lot for the information. I can add a rating curve at the last bridge in the reach. In that case, it should be possible for me to run for individual reaches right?

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