Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help Add a Flow Change Location

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  • #6749

    Can someone shed some light or point me to a source I can read more about the “add a flow change location” option? I have a steady run that I am setting up. I have considered using this option to incrementally increase the flow along a 10 mile section of a reach for representing the small side tributaries encountered along the reach. Are there some guidelines for when to represent a confluence as a junction vs a flow change location? I will also add that this model will eventually be submitted to FEMA for a CLOMR request. I have read many of the various guidance documents from FEMA trying to find more information for this, but I have not found much regarding the topic yet. Any comments/suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

    Lonnie A

    Typical FEMA models will be to just add a flow change locations and not a junction as each reach is usually a separate model.


    Lonnie, thanks for your reply. That is helpful.

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