Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help 2D Output Interval!!!

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  • #7356
    M. L. Harris

    Am I understanding correctly that ALL 2D output is written to the plan .hdf file (e.g., .p##.hdf)? Is the 2D output written at the computation interval? Is there any way to change the interval at which 2D output is written to the plan .hdf file?


    I dont think thats possible. But remember “Mapping Interval” is not just for the visual representation in RAS mapper. For example if you run a d(t) of 1 second but map at 3 minutes….if you check your output hydrographs or structure hydrographs or flow over a weir, it will only have data at the “mapping interval” for which you have defined.


    It is only written at the mapper interval. If you change mapper interval it will change the overall size of hdf file.

    If you are curious, you can download a hdf viewer and look at the file.

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