Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help 2D Modeling with bridge Errors

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  • #6338

    Hi Cameron,

    I trust this e-mail finds you well.

    I am performing another simulation using HEC-RAS 2D.

    I did performed a ramp up run up to 60 hours and use the results as Restart
    File. I made sure the Maximum iterations is set to 20 in 1D/2D Options.

    Between the upstream 2D Flow Area and the downstream 2D Flow Area, I have a
    bridge which I try to model as a culvert + Weir (for the top of road on
    which I expect some weir flow).

    I have for both Flow Areas a mesh of 40 ft x 40 ft with some break line
    enforced with a 20 ft x 20 ft grid.

    Please, seen attached screen captures and help me identify the reasons of
    the instability and how to solve it.

    I think the centerline for the bridge should be drawn (similar to dam) from
    left to right looking downstream, let me know if I am wrong.



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