Hi all,
I just ran a 2D model with approximately 300,000 cells for an 18-day storm event.
I ran it on an hourly and 15-minute time step and it only took 12 and 32 minutes, respectively.
I’m concerned because this feels too fast, like my 2D model is wrong.
I don’t think my computer is all that fast either:
Processor: i7-9700CPU @ 3.0GHz
8 Cores
I have developed a mesh perimeter, added breaklines to my streams/roads/levees/areas of interest, developed a manning’s n layer based off NLCD data, used precipitation to do rain on grid as well as flow hydrograph in thee locations, and normal depth for all the other boundary conditions. no structures have been input yet since I’m waiting on survey surface to be created before incorporating it into the 1m LiDAR (to avoid doing unnecessary terrain edits).
Does this run time make sense? I was expecting the model to run for hours.