Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help 2D Lateral Weir Connection to 2D Surface in HEC 5.0

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    Has anyone modeled a 2-D Area connected to a lateral weir in the Beta version of HEC 5.0? I am working on a project in which I have to and when I run the plan it keeps telling me there is an error in the connection and the the elevation at my weir is lower than that of my cell faces. I have tried everything I know but cannot get it to work. Has anyone else encountered this?

    Please let me know.


    Lonnie A

    Your lateral weir elevations have to be equal or higher than the lowest point on the cell face. I know for sure in the October version it will tell you where the weir elevation and face elevations have a problem after you try to run it. You just have to go through your lateral weir and raise elevations at those locations. This is often between the weir stations. So if you have a wide spacing of points on the weir you might need to add intermediate points. Otherwise raise one or both bounding points.
    I’m hoping they eventually make an option for the lateral weir to take it’s elevation from the cell faces. If you have a detailed grid that is generating a lot of points for the lateral it’ll help some if you filter the points in the weir. What I often do is make a dummy cross section and paste the lateral weir GR points into it then use the xs point filter tools to trim it down. This gives you the ability to see before and after so you can see what the filter is changing.


    I too am having problems with this. I have a very steep floodplain. The program is telling me that my error is occurring at facepoints that are at the top of the floodplain. The floodplain has a 10 meter drop. My roadway elevation is 187.5 but the program error message said the cell elev is 197.289. How can I trick the program to only look at the cells next to the roadway and not way up the hill


    I´m sure the problem is in the units system. Do you use the metric units? You can make an example in imperial units.


    Yes, it is all in metric units. The Lidar data comes from our Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and is in UTM coordinates so we do all of our 2D modeling in metric and do post processing to convert the solution to English units. We still haven’t found an easy way to re-project the topo data to English units.

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