Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help 2D Culvert Not Working

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  • #7803

    I am having an issue with a completely 2D culvert model. I believe I’ve set the model up the way I typically do but when I run my simulation floodwater will not interact with the culvert. Image below. The culvert just acts as a blockage. I have a downstream boundary condition stage hydrograph due to a lake downstream that increases in depth as the simulation progresses, so I expect some backflow through this culvert.

    Despite that, I did run a dummy flow hydrograph above this culvert when troubleshooting and water wouldn’t flow upstream to downstream either. Assumptions from the culvert window are also attached as images. Having neutral, positive, or negative drainage in the culvert does not alter the results either.

    Any tips?

    Luis Partida

    Just as a question, have you tried changing the culvert type to box or circular? I have never used elliptical in 2D so that’s why I ask the question.

    I also would attempt to redraw the XY coordinates and override the culvert data once again. The culvert stationing may be off, though visually it looks fine, you never know

    Lonnie A

    your connection has the same from and to connections….this would be fine if it were a internal connection (inside of a 2D area). You need the from to be the SA and the to to be the 2D area.

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