Thanks for your answer!
Actually I tried to copy the terrain profile and insert it in weir/embankment, but when I run the simulation this error appears:
ERROR with Connection
The SA 2D Connection at 2
has a weir elevation lower than the cells they are connected to
for 2D Area 2
This is not allowed in HEC-RAS:
So I tried to put a weir higher than the terrain elevation and it worked. It worked but it doesn’t represent the situation that I have. Maybe I’m not doing it right. I didn’t understand when you said: “You just have to have weir higher than cells of your mesh.” Maybe this is the answer for this problem, but I don’t know how to do this.
In the simulation that I’m running I need to insert a Hydrograph in the middle of my 2D cells. If you know another way to do this that isn’t connecting two 2d areas with a torage area, please, let me know.
Thanks a lot!