Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help 2D – 2D Connection Using a dam

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  • #5810

    Hello there,

    I´m trying to connect two 2D areas with a dam. I have done all the terrain processing, mesh creation, associations… and defined the two areas.

    When I try to connect them, using SA/2D Area Conn, I start drawing the center line of my dam from left to right, then double click and give it a name. But, weirdly, it doesn´t seem the connect both areas. Just a small black line with an arrow apears on the center of the upstream area to the center of downstream area.

    I looked on the example that comes with HEC RAS 5 (Bald Eagle Creek – 2D to 2D Plan), and looks like that it was supposed to have a light line all over the 2D area face with the dam (a light line, not a “strong” line like the ones in 2D Boundary Conditions).

    Any ideas with this is happening?

    Thank you very much


    Well, I made more tests and figured that I can fix the thin black line in the GIS Tools -> 2D Flow Area Connection Lines just by copying the Dam coordinates from 2D Flow Area Connection Centerline. The line looked like exactly like the example of the Bald Eagle Creek.

    The simulation runs fine, the upstream 2D flow respects the spillway dimensions… but the flow doesn´t go to the downstream 2D area.

    I also removed the Connection Line (thin black line.. I didn´t change the dam coordinates) from Bald Eagle and it keeps running ok.. so that´s not an issue.

    Any ideas of why my areas doesn´t connect?


    Well, I wasn´t able to figure out why my upstream and downstream 2d flow areas didn´t connect.. so I made two separate models, one for the upstream with the boundary condition being the rating curve of the spillway and another for the downstream part.


    I’m not sure why , but you should be able to see a line linking both upstream and downstream to ensure that its actually connected . Perhaps it would be better if you can provide some images or the files you are working on .


    Sorry for the long time without sending the files.. it was a holiday in Brazil..

    Anyway, I´ve made a very very very simple geometry for testing.. and it didn´t work either.

    i compressed all the files of the folder I was testing and here´s the link.



    I get the same issue, but if you swap the boundary conditions it will run (downstream has inflow and upstream has normal depth).


    cameron, very interesting.. worked for me too..

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