Hello there,
I´m trying to connect two 2D areas with a dam. I have done all the terrain processing, mesh creation, associations… and defined the two areas.
When I try to connect them, using SA/2D Area Conn, I start drawing the center line of my dam from left to right, then double click and give it a name. But, weirdly, it doesn´t seem the connect both areas. Just a small black line with an arrow apears on the center of the upstream area to the center of downstream area.
I looked on the example that comes with HEC RAS 5 (Bald Eagle Creek – 2D to 2D Plan), and looks like that it was supposed to have a light line all over the 2D area face with the dam (a light line, not a “strong” line like the ones in 2D Boundary Conditions).
Any ideas with this is happening?
Thank you very much