I’m having trouble getting a 1D/2D model to run. The river meanders and has an expansive floodplain with skewed embankments so I chose to model it in 2D with a short 1D reach at a bridge location (I have not yet entered bridge geometries in the 1D area). I am trying to model the overflow bridges as culverts in a 2D Area Connection since they have simple geometries and so they don’t have to be “wet” during entire model runs like 1D XSs.
The model runs until flows reach out-of-bank areas near the 2D Area Connection. I was however able to run the entire event with no culverts (overflow bridges) in the 2D Area Connection. It was not until I added culverts to the 2D Area Connection that the model became unstable. I made sure the 1D/2D Connection matches the terrain and the culvert inverts are at or above the connecting cell inverts.
Things I’ve tried:
-1 second to 2 minute time steps with and without time slicing
-Using the max amount of points/curves in the HTab along with a max headwater elevation
-1D/2D iterations
-Weir flow decay exponent and flow stability to 3
-Theta is at 1
-Full momentum and diffusion wave equations
Below are some screen shots of the model. Does anyone have any further ideas?