Hello everyone,
First of all thank you for reading and considering my request.
I have trouble running a 3 km long model in unsteady flow. It has about 80 XS from a Lidar built DEM and then I interpolate XS every 3m or 1.5 m when the channel has important width variation. For the moment I have drastically simplified the geometry and the manning values which are only asigned for the banks and the channel (0.083 for the banks and 0.035 for the channel). The slopes are relatively important about 0.015 m/m in average. It runs approximately ok in steady flow with warnings and notes which I am not able to solve. And it is barely able to solve the unsteady flow even if I apply a constant flow.
It used to fail while extrapolating above the XS parameters so I increased the possibilities in the Htab param, so it is finally able to finished an unsteady flow calculation but with giant oscillations in Water Surface and Energy Grade. The Froude number comes from more than 3000 to 0. How can I interpret this and which could be the issues to look at?
Any hints will be appreciated.