Does anyone know if it’s possible to model a 1D storage area inside of a 2D flow area? This would be for the purpose of modeling an interior lake using level pool routing, leveraging existing storage capacity curves, and being able to set an initial elevation for the lake (storage area) via the unsteady flow editor. I have tried subtracting the lake shoreline polygon from the 2D Flow area perimeter but HEC-RAS does not like mult-part polygons. A second option would be to include lake bathymetry into the existing conditions terrain but this causes the lake to start out dry and empty. Is anyone aware of a way to have a lake modeled purely in a 2D environment and start a specific elevation without using a restart file?
I’m not aware of a better option than filling the reservoir and writing out a restart file.
However as I mentioned in a different thread, with 507 you can create a flow boundary condition line inside the 2D area. If you snake the line through the low part of the reservoir, then you can add really large flows to this BC line at the beginning to fill the reservoir faster. I found it can help a bit.