Welcome to the RAS Solution Forums HEC-RAS Help 1D Cross Sections populating at upstream end of reach

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  • #15340

    I am developing a 1D model, and I created a river reach by adding XY data from GIS into the Geometry editor (Reach Invert Line Tables). All of the cross sections I have entered populate at the very upstream end of the reach, with the exception of the very first cross section (with a downstream reach length of 0). It doesn’t matter what I put in the downstream reach length boxes, the cross sections don’t move from the very upstream end of the reach.

    The computed length of the river reach in the geometry editor is the same as it is in GIS.

    I’ve added a projection in RAS Mapper that is the same as the river reach coordinates I entered. I thought perhaps it was because the cross sections aren’t georeferenced, but I’m not sure why that would affect where they are placed along the reach if it’s based on the downstream distance.

    I think there’s something obvious I’m missing or an issue with my river reach coordinates, but I haven’t had any luck troubleshooting it so far.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Leah.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Leah.
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