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HECRAS Controller
This Sub-forum is dedicated to questions, comments, and sample code related to the HEC-RAS API, the HECRASController. If you have some code you've written that uses the HECRASController, please post here to share with other HEC-RAS users who wish to utilize the HECRASController. For more information on the HECRASController, visit this post and check out the book, "Breaking the HEC-RAS Code."
- 112
- 4 months, 4 weeks ago
River Ice Modeling with HEC-RAS
The River Ice Modeling forum was developed for those who use HEC-RAS to simulate river ice covers and river ice jams. Please post your questions, comments, and insights here. We are especially interested to hear how you have addressed difficult ice problems with HEC-RAS.
- 6
- 6 months, 3 weeks ago
HECRAS Controller