Online Class:1D/2D Modeling with HEC-RAS – Summer Webinar Series

Written by Jillian Cromer | June 1, 2022

Hey RAS Users-
It’s not too late to sign up for our 2022 Summer Webinar Series on 1D/2D Modeling with HEC-RAS in 6.1! This series will begin June 15th and end July 20th.
  • One 4 hour LIVE webinar per week for 6 weeks
  • Workshop exercises at your own pace in between sessions with consolidated collaboration and discussion on a central platform
  • Throughout the course, the instructors will be available to students regarding post-lecture or workshop questions
  • At the conclusion of the 6-week course, each attendee will be able to reserve up to 1 hour of consultation with an instructor to discuss specific
    project-related questions or additional topics
  • We will introduce 6.0 topics including 2D bridges, spatial precipitation & infiltration, wind forces, the new 1D finite volume solver, new terrain.  And we will include a workshop on modeling 2D Bridges.
  • Prerequisites: Attendees will be expected to have 1D unsteady flow HEC-RAS experience

This webinar series will be led by Chris Goodell and Ben Cary. If you have any questions, please email us at


  1. Gary Wells

    on June 17, 2022

    I am interested in HEC-RAS 2D modeling with mesh concept. I have experience in using 1D modeling in HEC-RAS 6.0. I am familiar with Ras Mapper using projection files and Terrain data for 1D modeling.
    My background as a professional licensed civil engineer is with dams. I work in KY Dam Safety.
    Do you offer HEC-RAS 2D modeling & boundaries with dam breach analysis approach in your August 18-September 22 classes? I would be interested if you do, please let me know. Thank you

  2. Melissa

    on June 28, 2022

    Hi, can you please help me out finding answers to the following:

    Using HEC-RAS 6.2, from the Unsteady Flow Data dialog box, I created 2 rain gage stations over the model domain.
    Following are my concerns:
    1. When I click on the [Plot Stations…] button, it can be observed that a rectangular extent has been generated over the model domain. However, it is not clear what is the cell size used, how the number of rows and columns are computed and what buffer is taken while generating the rectangular extent.
    2. In addition, if I click on the [Rasterization Parameters (Optional)] button, it allows the user to define the raster extent using several options.

    However, it is not clear that after using these options, how the extent of the raster is computed. Say for example, if I select Fix Raster Parameters based on current Met Station Extent option, then it generates an additional extent.

    However, it is not clear what is the cell size used, how the number of rows and columns are computed and what buffer is taken while generating the rectangular extent.
    Kindly help me understand the functionality of Rasterization Parameters.

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