Full Momentum Episode 37: All Things Gates
Gates play a crucial role in hydraulic modeling, impacting water flow, flood control, and dam operations.
Hi HEC-RAS users. HEC is extremely busy dealing with bugs and questions at the moment. They’re currently working mostly to fulfill their obligations for technical support to the Corps of Engineers only. If you are trying out the new version 5.0 beta, and you discover a bug, or if you simply have a comment or suggestion, please post them to The RAS Solution Forum. I’ve agreed to collect, filter, and screen bug reports and comments and periodically send to HEC. You can get to the forum and two new sub-forums: “HEC-RAS Version 5.0 Bugs”, and “HEC-RAS Version 5.0 Suggestions/Comments”, by following this link or by clinking the “The RAS Solution Forum” button up above.
Please post in the appropriate folder and keep the comments civil and constructive. If you have a bug report, please post in the “bugs” folder and include as much information as is practical, but still keep it as brief as possible. If you discover a “work-around” in the meantime, please included that as well.
Also, don’t forget to get the latest version of HEC-RAS 5.0 beta here:
Chris G.
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