HEC-RAS 6.0 New Features – Interview with HEC-RAS Team Leader Gary Brunner (Parts 1 & 2)

Written by Chris Goodell | January 7, 2021

HEC-RAS Friends-  You do not want to miss these Full Momentum Vodcasts.  In Episode 12 (Part 1), Ben and Chris interview HEC-RAS Team Leader Gary Brunner about the new spatial precipitation and 2D bridges in HEC-RAS 6.0.  Plus we get into a little history of HEC-RAS as well as some special guitar talk.  That’s right…Gary shows off his other skill-playing the guitar!  In Episode 13 (Part 2), we discuss the new wind forces, 1D Finite Volume Solver, Pump Stations in 2D, Computational Efficiency improvements (geek out time!), and a preview of what’s to come in Version 7.0!   Enjoy!.


  1. Enric Bonet

    on January 8, 2021

    I would like to assist to the workshops or speech

  2. Robert

    on January 12, 2021

    Hi, thanks for your contribution/video and I wish you happy new year 🙂

    Robert (Slovakia)

  3. Chris Goodell

    on January 18, 2021

    Thanks Robert! Happy New Year to you as well!

  4. David Hostetler

    on March 2, 2021

    Really great breakdown overall by the group, and kudos to Mr. Brunner and many others that have put together such a fantastic piece of software!

    Could anyone provide more info on the capabilities of the 1D pipe pressure flow modeling? How would this compare to say XPSWMM 2D which combines SWMM and Tuflow? Could this model all pipes in a watershed? Would the results be summarized for the individual links and nodes?

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