HEC-RAS 5.0 Official Release is Available!!!

Written by Chris Goodell | March 4, 2016

The wait is over!  Finally the official release of HEC-RAS Version 5.0 is here.  You can download it from the HEC website at http://www.hec.usace.army.mil/software/hec-ras/

If the download from the HEC website is slow, you can also download it from here:

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0bpiyLiUeRXTy1pdUNralMzZ1U/view?usp=sharing (207 MB,  Installation package without example problems)

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0bpiyLiUeRXNGllMlE5V1dmQmM/view?usp=sharing (538 MB, Installation package with example problems)

This new version also comes with updated manuals (User’s Manual, Hydraulic Reference Manual, and Applications Guide), as well as a new 2D Modeling Manual.

Enjoy and good luck!!!


  1. Stéphane GAIJI

    on March 4, 2016

    Finally … These last days I was beginning to despair

  2. Mikołaj Olbrych

    on March 4, 2016

    Hello Stephane and Chris 😉 I will test it with my current embankment breach project

  3. Unknown

    on March 4, 2016

    I have noticed that I am unable to run any HEC-RAS version beyond 4.1 (all of the beta versions as well as this version 5.0) when I have FLO-2D installed on the same computer. When running HEC-RAS, this error occurs, "HEC-RAS cannot start because there are hdf5 libraries in your Windows system folder(s). It is poor practice to copy application libraries into the system folder because of the order that Windows loads libraries used by programs. Delete hdf5*.dll files from:

    And then start HEC-RAS again.

    HEC-RAS will now exit."

    If I follow these instructions, RAS will work but FLO-2D will not.
    Currently our solution is to run one software on the main computer and run the other on a virtual machine.

  4. arkads1

    on March 4, 2016

    Hi all. I used the last beta in my last job

  5. Gerinc

    on March 5, 2016


  6. Phuong Mai

    on March 6, 2016

    Nice stuff! Thank you for the post.
    I have a quick question – We should have depth-vs-time graphs everywhere within a rain-on-grid 2D domain area, even few millimetres, but why there are many points we just have ZERO depth graphs?

  7. Martin Maretta

    on March 7, 2016

    Nice. Do you plan to publish EA benchmark test?

  8. cy

    on March 7, 2016

    Were there changes from the Aug 2015 beta to the final release?

  9. cy

    on March 7, 2016

    Were there changes from the Aug 2015 beta version to the final release?

  10. Chris Goodell

    on March 7, 2016

    Yes. A few new items, but mostly bug fixes and an improvement to the full momentum solver for 2D.

  11. Chris Goodell

    on March 7, 2016

    No, but HEC might.

  12. Chris Goodell

    on March 7, 2016

    Not sure. I haven't tested that yet.

  13. Phuong Mai

    on March 7, 2016

    Just found the answer. Go to RAS Mapper/Tools/Render Mode Options, then select Horizontal (As computed), set Plot Tolerance to zero, we can see the water everywhere in the 2D domain! Chhttp://hecrasmodel.blogspot.com/logout?d=https://www.blogger.com/logout-redirect.g?blogID%3D1675184707067447729%26postID%3D636433072087455954eers.

  14. Eric

    on March 9, 2016

    When I open up the geometric data editor it now has a grid of numbers completely covering the model extents, and I can't figure out how to turn the numbers off. I turned everything off in View Options and that didn't do it. Any thoughts; what am I missing?

  15. Chris Goodell

    on March 9, 2016

    Could it be a map layer in the background images? Other than that and the view options, not sure why that is happening. Do you know what the numbers represent?

  16. Eric Clyde

    on March 10, 2016

    It appears to be associated with the terrain, but I have been working with this same terrain and project for months with no similar problem.

  17. Margaretha Titi

    on March 16, 2016

    Hello Chris, can I install this 5.0 final along with the previous beta or 4.1 in the same drive C?
    Thanks for answering and have a good day!

  18. Chris Goodell

    on March 16, 2016

    Yes. I have 4.1 and 5.0 on my computer. Both work. I think you can even have the beta version on there with 5.0.

  19. h2othomas

    on April 5, 2016

    Are there issues with installing on Windows 10 Pro? Thanks!

  20. h2othomas

    on April 6, 2016

    Hi Chris, are there any issues with Windows 10? Thanks!

  21. Chris Goodell

    on April 6, 2016

    I don't know of anything specific. But what I do know is that HEC did not test RAS 5.0 with Windows 10. So there are likely to be some quirks, at the least.

  22. Stéphane GAIJI

    on April 7, 2016

    HECRAS 5 work fine on my Windows 10 Home

  23. Phuong Mai

    on April 7, 2016

    I've installed it onto my Windows 10 Pro machine, and haven't found any issues so far.


    on October 20, 2016

    same error

  25. Rohit

    on May 2, 2018

    Hi Chris, Just installed 5.0.4, all works fine but unable to open RAS Mapper although 5.0.3 version is working fine. I have Win 7, is anyone here facing same issue?

  26. Chris Goodell

    on May 3, 2018

    That’s not good! You may want to let HEC know if you can’t resolve the issue.

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