Tobique Narrows Downstream Fish Passage
NB Power requested a consultant support for engineering design services, and implementation of downstream fish passage facility at Tobique Narrows Generating Station. NB Power and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans had an interest in providing a down- stream fish passage system with the ability to trap and truck fish from the Tobique Narrows Generating Station downstream beyond Mactaquac Generating Station. Presently, Atlantic salmon migrating downstream from the Tobique River must pass three large dams and navigate long impoundments before reaching the marine environment. This potentially results in a significant amount of net-in-river mortality both from passage mortality as well as stress, delay, and predation associated with the impoundments.
Kleinschmidt provided independent review of downstream passage alternatives for Atlantic salmon smolt to both evaluate the previously alternatives identified by other consultants and present additional alternatives and studies for consideration. Kleinschmidt con- ducted bathymetric mapping, ADCP velocity measurements as well as downstream transport and turbine survival studies, analy-sis of radio telemetry to determine routing and survival of Atlantic salmon smolt. Kleinschmidt developed feasibility study of viable down- stream fish passage improvement technologies including turbine passage, intake collection gallery, and floating guidance boom. As a result of agency feedback, Kleinschmidt conducted additional alternatives analysis and prepared 30%, 60%, final design and technical specifications for complex downstream passage system with fish collection and trap and transport capability. The project included a modification to an existing spillway gate, new adjustable fish collection screen suspended downstream to the gate, catch pool, fish transport pipe leading to a trap and transport platform and collection area. Kleinschmidt is currently providing construction support services including review of contractor submittals, responding to contractor questions, providing analysis of proposed design changes.
The new fishway at the Tobique Narrows Generating Station will reduces fish mortality by providing downstream passage with fish being discharged directly into the tailrace of the generating station or with fish being discharged into a holding tank where they could be sluiced into a truck mounted tank and transported to release points further downstream in the watershed.