Kelly Kirven

Terrestrial/Aquatic Section Manager

“I enjoy the variety that my job at Kleinschmidt offers. Between working on interesting projects located all over the United States, and interaction with diverse clients and agencies, every day is an adventure!”

Kelly Kirven is a Terrestrial/Aquatic Section Manager and has been with Kleinschmidt for a little over 9 years. On top of that Kelly has more than eight years of regulatory experience and specializes in FERC licensing and compliance activities, strategic regulatory planning, and recreation and environmental resources management. Kelly’s responsibilities include interfacing with the clients, government agencies, and stakeholders to meet their needs. Kelly coordinates activities associated with the licensing of FERC jurisdictional hydropower projects and license compliance, including data collection and processing, issue identification, agency consultation, and reporting. Kelly is also involved in recreation planning, permitting and regulatory compliance, including Section 401 water quality certification.

Some of Kelly’s recent assignments with Kleinschmidt include Tillery recreation flow release monitoring; benchmark comparison of relicensing PM&E costs; recreation management plans; FERC relicensing; license surrenders / decommissioning; Jordan East Side Tailrace Recreation Site study; non-capacity amendment application; due diligence review; biological assessment; Form 80 recreation study, and low impact hydropower institute certification.

Kelly has a B.S. in Biology from Newberry College.